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Chas's's Page


Rehearsal sometime, somewhere

Pretending not to notice camera at Shonk studio March 2002


Tell me about yourself..


Here's what you're supposed to do. Take broken milk bottles and razor blades wrapped in sprigs of holly and shove them up your arse as far as they will go, then remove the saddle from your bicycle and ride down the longest cobbled street you can find until the massive blood loss causes you to pass out. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little facts about your friends. Remember to send yours back to the person who sent it to you!

*Date Today: 28th January.

* Starting Time: 17:30

* Birth Date: 25 Dec

* Name: Chas Maguire.

* Nickname: Mr Chas; Chuck; Waz(ooly); Curly; Hey you, you haven't paid for that.

* Age: Twenty something.

* School: Quite.

* Location: In front of computer.

* Colour of eyes: Greenish.

* Hair: Sort of brownish

* Height : Long enough to reach the floor (don't know.)

* Shoe Size: 8.

* Brothers/Sisters: 1 sister.

* When's your bedtime: When I lose consciousness.

-----HAVE YOU EVER-----

*Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No, not drunk.

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Yes.

* Been in a car accident: Yes (again, just for amusement-there's nothing quite like the sound of tearing metal to perk up your day.)

* Been hurt emotionally: Yes.

* Kept a secret from everyone: Yes, and I'm never telling where they're buried.

* Had an imaginary friend: What's a friend?

* Wanted to hook up with a friend: Not keen on fishing, also, what's a friend again?

* Had a crush on a teacher: Yes, when I was very young but she blew me out. (so to speak.)

* Ever thought an animated character was hot? I think his name was The Torch. (flame on.)

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: No No No No No.

* Cut your hair: Not for a long time.

* Been sarcastic: Yeah, right.


* Shampoo: Cheap.

* Summer/Winter: I think I must be quite rare in that I think that all the seasons have their own charm, there just needs to be more of them - something to make the rapid advance of time a little less rampant.

* Lace or satin: Leather, baby, yeah. (More abrasion resistance)

*Cartoon Characters: Snoopy.

* Fave Advert: "Cos I wanna put a snooker table in ya room and the kids are scared of ya 'tache!" (what the hell does this mean Andy?) Anusol

* Fave film: Tony Monkeyspunk and the Cursed Moped

* Fave Ice Cream: All types of ice cream are cool (ho ho).

* Fave Subject: What, at school? Art, Music and what you are going to do in the school holidays.

* Fave Drink: I could drink Dr Pepper till I turn brown or till the pubs open, whichever's sooner. Then beer.

-----RIGHT NOW-----

* Wearing: Jeans and jumper.

* Eating: Meat-based bung it in the oven type meal with potatoes and bread. every day for the rest of my life.

* Drinking: Orange squash.

* Thinking bout: Why am I doing this yet again? (The time I waste filling in these fucking forms is incredible, as if life isn't full of enough forms asking ridiculous questions as it is)

* Listening: Whirrr click click click (there were actually a lot more clicks than that but as every letter is another one I was never going to catch up without some serious changes to the laws of physics)

* Talking to: No-one, but the voices still won't leave me alone.

-----IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----

* Cried: Nope.

* Worn a skirt: Ah.

* Done laundry: No.

* Drove a car: No.


* Yourself: No-one else does.

* Friends: Haven't we been here before?

* Santa Clause: Sounds like some American tv show / holiday resort.

* Tooth Fairy: Arse.

* Destiny/Fate: Big hairy bollocks with gangrenous warts.

* Angels: Erm.

* Ghosts: Woo.

* UFO's: As anything that flies that you can't identify qualifies then yes. As to whether there are aliens in them, I'm afraid that the fact that the number of shakey out of focus films you see with UFOs on them has dramatically decreased since nearly everyone in the world now has a video camera and knows how to use it seems to point to them being false. (I do believe in aliens though, just think that if they bothered to come all the way over here it would seem a bit of a waste of time not to say "hi" (although I am wasting a huge amount of it myself just filling in this bastard survey...))

-----FRIENDS (there's that word again - what the hell is it?) AND LIFE-----

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Just the girl one for me thanks.

* Like anyone: Like, what do you mean?

* Who's the loudest: All of those in Mook.

* Who's the weirdest: All of those in Mook.

* Who do you go to for advice: None of those in Mook.

* Who do you think about most when you're not online: How glad I am that I'm not staring at a computer screen.(sorry, misread that, though it said 'what'.) The person I think about most at any time is me.

* Who do you cry with: It's not really a social thing.

* When you last cried: Erm.....with Laughter? Last weeks band practice when listening to a recording of Mook "creating" a song, was the funniest load of noises ever!!! (I'll just leave that one as it is Andy as I wholeheartedly agree!!!!)

* Who will respond to this email fastest: People who can touch-type.

* Who did you send this to who won't respond: Ady might be a bit more sensible than the rest and Mike hasn't got email. Maybe I'll post it.

* Who sent this to you: The drummer of Mook.

* Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back to you: I really must look that word up.


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