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At Sound City '99

At Shonk Studios March 2002

Tell me about yourself..

*Date Today: 2/2/03

* Starting Time: 21:15

* Birth Date: 19/8/75

* Name: Sam Shepherd

* Nickname: Only ever got called Zammo pre-heroin plot line in Grange
Hill, and recently I've started being called Razor for no discernible reason.

* Age: 27.

* School: Wallingford.

* Location: Naked in front of the computer.

* Colour of eyes: Lovely brown.

* Hair: Dark brown, with a hint of pink.

* Height : 5' 10" (ish)

* Shoe Size: Depends, 10 I think.

* Brothers/Sisters: 1 sister.

* When's your bedtime: All the time, but you get bedsores if you stay
there too long apparently... the key is to turn every six hours or so.

-----HAVE YOU EVER-----

* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Oh yes.

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Not sure, maybe when I blacked
out. Oh wait, I set fire to someone else once, does that count?

* Been in a car accident: Nope I've been in about 5.

* Been hurt emotionally: Yes.

* Kept a secret from everyone: Nah I'm shit at keeping secrets...sorry
everyone who's ever told me anything 'in confidence,' I'm afraid we all know
about the rash/child slavery/animal perversion/secret shame.

* Had an imaginary friend: Yep, but I have to tell everyone that I don't
have them any more....

* Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yeah.

* Had a crush on a teacher: But of course.

* Ever thought an animated character was hot? April O'Neill, Tank Girl..

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: Duh!!

* Cut your hair: Yep, but soon there will be no need, I'll just shine it

* Been sarcastic: What do you think?


* Shampoo: Fake poo (which is of course sham poo)

* Summer/Winter: Sumter.

* Lace or satin: Lace? Dunno.

* Cartoon Characters: Homer is too obvious, so I say long live Lenny and

* Fave Advert: R Whites Lemonade.

* Fave film: JAWS

* Fave Ice Cream: Cookies and stuff

* Fave Subject: Music? Porn? Stupid Stories?

* Fave Drink: Cider. Jameson's and Coke...Dr Pepper. Sprite for a

- ----RIGHT NOW-----

* Wearing: One and a half socks, black jeans, Joe Rogan t-shirt.

* Eating: Chewing my own lips, now very sore indeed, but it saves having
to worry about all the things I can't eat due to some strange ruling system I
seem to have concocted since my youth.

* Drinking: Nope, staying in, therefore I don't drink

* Thinking about: Going to bed

* Listening: Ramones tribute album.

* Talking to: No-one.

-----IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----

* Cried: Nope.

* Worn a skirt: No.

* Done laundry: In last 27 years - no.

* Drove a car: Yes.


* Yourself: No, and that's half the problem really isn't it.

* Friends: Apparently they are real.

* Santa Clause: Yes. Shit film starring Tim Allen I believe. I believe it
exists, I just can't believe they made it.

* Tooth Fairy: Yeeesssss!!! (see sarcasm question)

* Destiny/Fate: Only in Star Wars movies.

* Angels: Nah...

* Ghosts: Yep, hello there my old slipper wearing friend...

* UFO's: Nope.


* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Anything will do just fine.

* Like anyone: Some people I like, yes.

* Who's the loudest: Mook.

* Who's the weirdest: All of 'em.

* Who do you go to for advice: My counsellor, and the Samaritans...well,
except if I'm considering purchasing a new car, they get a bit miffed then.

* Who do you think about most when you're not online? Erm, me I suppose. me
and Madeline Stowe.

* Who do you cry with: The world, what a stupid question.

* When you last cried: Can't remember, probably flaked out at Mike's wishing
I could stop belly laughing.

* Who will respond to this email fastest: Don't know, don't care.

* Who did you send this to who won't respond? Mike, no email - stupid!

* Who sent this to you: Chas and Andy.

* Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back to you: Nah .

Sam 'Razor' Shepherd
c/o Mook Mansions
c/o East Wing,
Fairmile Hospital



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